(Updated!) “Make a Woman Cry” character chart

A quick overview of the character relationships (and confirmed actors) in Make A Woman Cry:


*The letters are too small for me to read clearly that I’m not sure whether it’s Heonbeuk or Hyunbeuk and Jinyoung or Jinmyung.

Original photo source: Naver Blog
Translation: nekowaniwaniiru@OhThunder
*The original blog post no longer appears

An updated character chart that includes the new confirmed actors joining the cast (thanks to @thunder4452):


Actress Seo Woorim as Mrs. Min Jeongsuk (70), actress Han Yiseo as Jinhee (34), rookie actors Shin Jiwoon and Han Jongyoung as Minseo (23) and Yoonseo (18) respectively, actress Lee Dain as Park Hyojung (25), actress Kim Jiyoung as Bokrye (70), actor Jin Seon-gyu as Kyungsoo (42), actor Ji Iljoo as  Kyungtae (34), and actress Han Bobae as Kyungah (25).

2 thoughts on “(Updated!) “Make a Woman Cry” character chart

  1. Pingback: [CHEONDUNG] [ INFO] 06.03.2015 “Make a Woman Cry” Charaktertabelle | MBLAQ Germany

  2. Pingback: “Make a Woman Cry” first broadcast scheduled on April 18 | OH THUNDER!

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