110627 [INTERVIEW] MBLAQ Thunder on B-pass Magazine (Aug Issue)

Credit: ___mini via twitter
Scans: http://www.absolutemblaq.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8025
Translator : Ririsu @ AbsoluteMBLAQ


personal issue

Cheondung (チョンドゥン)

Q. When did you begin to take an interest in music?
A. “When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I really liked Fin.K.L, a four member girl idol group that was active in the latter half of the 1990s (they are also KARA’s senior). I’ve watched the video of their live performances numerous times. During that time, they were still using cassette tapes, even though it was a cassette tape I listened to them a lot.”

Q. You’ve lived in the Philippines as a child. So you’ve followed your home country’s music through television right?
A. “No, as a child I played games all the time and I rarely watch TV (laughs). I’ve even thought of becoming a game developer when I grow up. But in the year 2004, I saw Rain-hyung’s live performance and that made me made the decision to become a professional artist.”

Q. So Rain-san is the one who changed your destiny. So to speak, which artist have you been listening to lately?
A. “Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Usher for instance. Basically, I like western music.”

Q. What about Japanese artists?
A. “Namie Amuro-san! Even though she has an idol-ish image, I never knew that she could dance so well. When I saw her cola CF that was even broadcasted in Korea, I thought she was really cute and dances very well, who is she? Thinking that way, I was very surprised when I heard that she was Namie Amuro-san.”

Q. In the special edition of MBLAQ’s 1st Korean album, “BLAQ STYLE”, your self-composed and self-written song, “You” was included. I’ve heard that you really tried your best in making the song.
A. “That’s right, I’ve visited a composer’s house to observe how things are done and was also taught about music composition. Firstly, I get the base melody and then from that foundation I started practicing making new melodies. Gradually, from recording to the creation of the melody, starting from the basics, I practiced those things again and again.”

Q. You’re very enthusiastic in your studies aren’t you!
A. “If you really want to make a good music when you think of it, it is very hard, but this also shows that the work in the field of music composition itself have become this tough. At first all I can do was follow the way of the music composer, but now being able to use my song in this album made me very happy.”

Q. In the next album will you be actively producing music as well?
A. “Probably not in the next one. I’m making a lot of music right now, but I just want to release all of them at the same time (laughs), in the next next album, there might be a lot Cheondung’s products in it.

Q. We will look forward to it! Now then, what about your “must item”?
A. “iPod, rings, and PSP. I play games and watch movies on my PSP. I also have the anime “One Piece” in here.

Q. By the way, you already know English, Philippines, won’t learning Japanese be easier for you?
A. “Actually, I’m the only one who can’t read katakanas*, and I also make a lot of mistakes when I read hiraganas. Even though I’m slower at writing, my listening and speaking are on the better side. Speaking is easier to me, so my opportunity to read and write is much lesser. Even though it’s tough, I’m having a lot of fun learning.”

*katakana = Japanese alphabet (usually used to write English-derived words or sometimes used for stylization)
*hiragana = main Japanese alphabet

Q. So that means in Japan, we might see Cheondung-san do a lot of MC-ing on stage in the future.
A. “That’s right! But I will learn to write properly too, because by all means I think I would love to write a Japanese song too.”

Q. Pleas keep working on it! Lastly, what do you think about this thought, “I’m lucky to be apart of MBLAQ”.
A. “We get along really well, and more than anything we’ve got RAIN-san as our senpai so I’m truly happy. Also MBLAQ’s music, is the style of music that I’ve always been listening to, so I feel completely happy to be able to sing in this group.”


2 thoughts on “110627 [INTERVIEW] MBLAQ Thunder on B-pass Magazine (Aug Issue)

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